Well, Jackie Gould has talked me into an ocean adventure, so, today I explored the Royal Caribbean web site to get my feet wet. We will be cruising to Bermuda next July aboard the "Explorer of the Seas."
I will also have to check out Bayonne, NJ in the near future. It is accessible, parking is reasonable at Cape Liberty and the city seems to be in the midst of a makeover. I recall purchasing our first family artificial Christmas tree at a recommended store in Bayonne. (That was the tree that I decided needed to be freshened up after a couple of years. Showering it with the hose in the back yard, I discovered that the trunk was made of cardboard. What was I thinking?)
Every now and then, I think about moving to a manageable city. "Manageable" is the key word here. Park-like city blocks, reliable elevators, interesting cultural activities, a good library system, nearby groceries, hospital, office store and movie theater, secure parking, access to the airport, parkway and turnpike - I don't want much. Thinking about it, do I have that here?