Today was my day off. I felt comfortable going in to my office and working until 1:30 p.m. I caught up a bit and was relaxed enough to work through some piles of bills with our new account clerk. All morning I looked forward to calling Maureen at Pieceful Choices in Vernon to see if she was able to get one more wonderful little Janome Jem Platinum 760. She was. I drove up there in the afternoon to pick it up. It started snowing on the way up and really snowed on the way back. It was gray and nice :-)
While in the Vernon area, I weighed the pros and cons of moving up there. Beautiful surroundings, lower housing costs, the rural way of life, access to train service to the city in nearby Warwick, NY, the possibility of a ranch house with a stone fireplace and wood planked walls, the nearby Sussex County library. Perhaps I will check the real estate prices. It is pretty far from my family and friends.
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