Today was a great day to finish up my flower beds. Cool, sunny, and, it rained last night so the ground was wet for the new plants.
In the back yard, perennials flourish. This year I added two beautiful ferns and two colorful caladium to the hostas I planted a few years ago. I'll have to store the caladium root balls in the garage for the winter and replant in the spring. The ferns will come inside and be returned to their hanging pots. In the remaining open spaces, a few lavender and white impatiens peak out. When they are bigger, it will be very pretty.
This planter at the corner of the patio was ready for Memorial Day. Red and white New Guinea Impatiens and vinca vines make it balanced. I forget what that spikey plant is named, but I buy one or two every year.
On the shadier side of the front door, deep pink impatiens are bordered with white impatiens. The background hostas have been there for a few summers. Duke's turtle, well-scrubbed this year, still spends the summer under the hosta leaves.
And, on the part-sun side of the front door the hostas are really big. The boxwood and rose bush are doing well. The blue hydrangea was a Mother's Day gift two years ago. It really found its legs this year. I added white and deep pink impatiens to give it a bit of color for the season. Duke's tree is so big now that the upstairs neighbors asked to have it trimmed away from their windows. I can't wait until the impatiens get big. It's going to be beautiful. I will post a few pictures.
Now, if the squirrels don't dig up everything tonight, the beds are finished. ;)